Tag Archives: 3D

Bitesize Review: Prometheus (2012)

DIRECTOR: Ridley Scott.

CAST: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Logan Marshall-Green, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall, Emun Elliott, Benedict Wong, Kate Dickie, Guy Pearce.

SYNOPSIS: After discovering clues to the origin of our species on Earth, Elizabeth Shaw (Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Marshall-Green) join a team of scientists aboard the spaceship Prometheus to venture further into space and understand these alien life forms. After becoming stranded on an unfamiliar planet, the discoverers face a battle to save the future of the human race.

My broken arm calls for a slightly different (and bitesize) reviewing format. So here’s ten things I want to say about Prometheus:

***Although this doesn’t involve direct spoilers, you should wait until you’ve seen the film before you read what’s below*** Continue reading

Baz Sure Does Love His Shiny Anachronisms

The trailer for Baz Luhrmann’s Gatsby has finally arrived and it is every bit as debauched and impressive as you’d expect. But that doesn’t mean we’re exposed to a great deal of substance underneath the glitz and glamour.

Coming December 2012 in 3D which is bound to be so colourful it’ll make your eyes bleed, The Great Gatsby is another adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel of the pursuit of The American Dream. With DiCaprio the only actor I can see embodying the titular Gatsby, the December release date looks like a clever bid by Warner for some Awards recognition.

While it is yet to be seen whether Carey Mulligan will play Daisy quite as mad as Mia Farrow in Robert Redford’s 1974 version, it’s a welcome change to see Tobey Maguire head back to something a little more serious after his Spidey excursions.

With a busy Christmas release slate for DiCaprio in the form of Django Unchained and The Great Gatsby, it’s up to you to decide whether Luhrmann or Tarantino have injected more ‘cool’ into their respective projects. Jay-Z, Kanye and Jack White may pale in anachronistic comparison to the first Tarantino trailer.

Trailer Talk: My Big Fat Marvelgasm, Claymation Ghosts, The Hoff And Disney’s Attempt At Dubstep

I love this week’s selection of trailers, which you may find surprising seeing how I’ve actually been a little harsh towards some – very unlike me, I know. But there’s such a brilliant mix to choose from, including some great animation, thrillers, comedy and some not so great ones. But hey, that’s all part of the fun. This week Nadine and I look at (deep breath please) The Stath, the supernatural, that pesky John Carter again, more Marvel characters than you can shake a stick at, David Hasselhoff, Snoop Stiller, Adam Sandler’s weird career, a resurrected canine, little yellow minions, morticians, American Football, claymation ghosts, John McClane and Superman, coming of age indie quirkiness and Norwegian murders. Let’s talk trailers: Continue reading

Trailer Talk: High School Reunions, Scottish Princesses, Pregnancy And A French Romance

The end of the world, Bollywood Bond, Stifler returns, confused teens, Scottish princesses, sexual fetishes, French romances, really rubbish horror, really amazing fight scenes, high school papers, sleeping around, pregnancy, lots of Gods and stunning child’s play – let’s talk trailers: Continue reading

Closer Look: The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

Scott’s back (take a look at his blog here) to take a more in-depth look at the new trailer for Marc Webb’s hotly anticipated film and Marvel reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man: Continue reading

Trailer Talk: Space Nazis, Michael Caine On A Bee, Tasmanian Tigers and Nic Cage

This week we look at Nazis on the Moon, pygmy elephants, Joe Gilgun’s gammy eye, Tarsem’s attempt at Snow White, Cillian Murphy in Spanish, Nic Cage going batshit crazy (again), Willem Dafoe doing his best Liam Nesson impression, Liam Neeson doing his best Willem Dafoe impression, some dogs and a film called Black Butterflies which lies to us. There’s no butterflies. Let’s talk trailers: Continue reading

Trailer Talk: Bruce Wayne, Space Jockeys and Hobbitses

Bruce Wayne, Space Jockeys, Hobbitses, Gods, R-Pattz, Channing Tatum trying to be a comedian, a PVC-clad Beckinsale and discontented teachers. Let’s talk trailers: Continue reading

The Great Trailer Debate – Week 6

What a week! With the insane amount of Awards and nominations over the last two days it’s taken me a little longer than usual to post this. But this is definitely a nice break for me and one that doesn’t include having to write out Michel Hazanavicius’ name over and over and over…… The sad thing is that I can write his name without thinking now. Anyway, back to the trailers. This week Nadine and I (check out her blog here) bring you The Five-Year Engagement, The Lorax, The Darkest Hour, The Cabin In The Woods, Lockout, This Means War, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close (TRAILER OF THE WEEK), The Three Stooges, The Iron Lady, The Lucky One, What To Expect When You’re Expecting and Battleship. Wowzer. Next week brings us something that makes me want to (and I probably will) cry – The Dark Knight Rises. Continue reading

The Great Trailer Debate – Week 4

It’s not a particularly strong week for trailers, with no huge releases touched upon. However, there’s a nice variation of genres and still a fair bit of intrigue. So, this week Nadine (check out her blog here) and I look at new trailers for Rampart (TRAILER OF THE WEEK), Beauty And The Beast 3D, W.E., The Woman In Black, The Vow and Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. Continue reading

Review: Immortals (2011)

DIRECTOR: Tarsem Singh Dhandwar.

CAST: Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Luke Evans, Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff, John Hurt, Joseph Morgan, Kellan Lutz, Anne Day-Jones, Isabel Lucas, Daniel Sharman, Alan Van Sprang, Greg Bryk, Peter Stebbings, Steve Byers, Gage Munro.

SYNOPSIS: Driven by greed, King Hyperion (Rourke) searches Ancient Greece for the Epirus Bow, a weapon forged in the heavens. In his possession it would cause unimaginable destruction and annihilate the Gods. Zeus (Evans) therefore secretly chooses the peasant Theseus to save his people – and the world – from Hyperion.

Tarsem. Tarsem Singh. Tarsem Singh Dhandwar. Whatever you decide to call him, there’s no denying the director’s incredible vision, passion and individuality. 2006’s The Fall is a deliciously sumptuous treat for the eyes and I’ve yet to see a film better suited to the Blu-Ray revolution. From his use of symmetry, stunning landscapes and glorious colour, precision is part of Tarsem’s signature approach. So it’s a shame that Immortals ends up being more about style than substance. Continue reading