Tag Archives: rob riggle

Interview: Phil Lord And Chris Miller Talk 21 Jump Street And The Lego Movie As ‘Inception For Kids’ – HeyUGuys

To celebrate the release of 21 Jump Street on DVD and Blu-ray, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak to the directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, about the film and their upcoming projects.

Touching on everything from Channing Tatum’s love for improvising stunts to Tom Selleck’s moustache, it’s fair to say our interview covered rather a lot of ground! Every inch as charming and entertaining as you’d expect, the pair gave a brilliant insight into the funniest film of the year.

Please check out my interview here.

Trailer Talk: Killing The Kardashians, Turtle On A Plane, Lots Of Gangsters And David Bowie

Gangsters, Turtle on a plane, cows, Mel Gibson in Mexico, the end of reality TV, improv and drugs, the Welsh and Bowie, a double helping of Sigourney Weaver and Dexter Fletcher’s directorial debut – let’s talk trailers: Continue reading