Tag Archives: top ten films of 2011

Forget The Artist Winning Best Picture Last Sunday – Here’s My Top Ten Films Of 2011

I am well aware that everybody else posted their ‘Best Of 2011’ lists at, well, the end of 2011 or back in January, but I wanted to be a little different. Mainly because I still had a fair few films to catch up on and because I wanted to compare my list to what the Academy deemed ‘fit’ and what eventually won.

So, finally, I present to you my Top Ten Films Of 2011. And when I say ‘Top Ten’, I mean what I enjoyed most as opposed to what I think I should say to be congratulated on. No, this is my Top Ten and simply that. And I’m pretty sure a lot of you won’t see my #1 coming – unless you follow me on Twitter (@iamnotwaynegale) in which case you’ve probably known for a while!

So, as usual, please leave comments if you want to argue this thing out – you’ll definitely realise I’m a sucker for big performances as opposed to big films – and check out my Top Ten below, starting with the films that didn’t quite make the cut: Continue reading

2011 AFI Top Ten Films

The American Film Institute have announced their Top Ten Films of 2011. Interesting to see that the currently embargoed Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was allowed to creep in there. How closely will this relate to January’s final Oscar nominees? We will just have to wait and see. Check them out below: Continue reading

My Top Ten Films Of 2011

With Oscar buzz pretty much in full swing and September 23rd (yesterday) being a brilliant day in regards to film releases, I thought I better start writing about my personal favourites from this year. There’s a lot to remember and it’s hard to think that both Natalie Portman and Colin Firth won Oscars for films that were actually released in 2011.
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