Tag Archives: jon hamm

Trailer Talk: Orgies, Sperm Donation, Drug Heists And Vampire Presidents

These should have been up at the beginning of the week, but as I’ve moaned about my laptop enough already, I won’t do it again….! Dance machines, sperm donation, a trip to the 1960s, Abraham Lincoln, drug heists, mind heists, sharks, tap dancing, orgies, Keira Knightley impressions and babies – let’s talk trailers. Continue reading

Trailer Talk: A Jaundiced Bill Murray, Bridesmaids Assemble, Will Ferrellllllllll and Miley C

This week we see another ensemble piece courtesy of Wes Anderson, the Bridesmaids cast reunite for Friends With Kids, Disney go 3D (again), Eva Mendes as a bad mother, Will Ferrell go crazy in subtitles, someone brush their teeth and smoke at the same time, James Franco channel another writer and Miley Cyrus piss off Demi Moore. Let’s talk trailers: Continue reading