Tag Archives: blue valentine

Forget The Artist Winning Best Picture Last Sunday – Here’s My Top Ten Films Of 2011

I am well aware that everybody else posted their ‘Best Of 2011’ lists at, well, the end of 2011 or back in January, but I wanted to be a little different. Mainly because I still had a fair few films to catch up on and because I wanted to compare my list to what the Academy deemed ‘fit’ and what eventually won.

So, finally, I present to you my Top Ten Films Of 2011. And when I say ‘Top Ten’, I mean what I enjoyed most as opposed to what I think I should say to be congratulated on. No, this is my Top Ten and simply that. And I’m pretty sure a lot of you won’t see my #1 coming – unless you follow me on Twitter (@iamnotwaynegale) in which case you’ve probably known for a while!

So, as usual, please leave comments if you want to argue this thing out – you’ll definitely realise I’m a sucker for big performances as opposed to big films – and check out my Top Ten below, starting with the films that didn’t quite make the cut: Continue reading

My Top Ten Films Of 2011

With Oscar buzz pretty much in full swing and September 23rd (yesterday) being a brilliant day in regards to film releases, I thought I better start writing about my personal favourites from this year. There’s a lot to remember and it’s hard to think that both Natalie Portman and Colin Firth won Oscars for films that were actually released in 2011.
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What I’m Watching – July

This list only includes films I watched for the first time this month. My most recent viewing is the top entry:

The Tree of Life (Dir: Terrence Malick, 2011) *****

There’s Something About Mary (Dir: Bobby and Peter Farrelly, 1998) ****

Captain America: The First Avenger (Dir: Joe Johnston, 2011) ****

Horrible Bosses (Dir: Seth Gordon, 2011) ***

Keeping Mum (Dir: Niall Johnson, 2005) ***

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Dir: David Yates, 2011) ****

Fanboys (Dir: Kyle Newman, 2008) **

Blue Valentine (Dir: Derek Cianfrance, 2010) ****

Date Night (Dir: Shawn Levy, 2010) **

Up (Dir: Pete Docter, 2009) *****