Tag Archives: the sitter

The Great Trailer Debate – Week 5

It’s definitely fair to say that we have rather a mixed bag for you this week, with comedy, action, drama and thrillers all covered in last week’s trailer releases. So, without further ado, Nadine and I (check her blog out here) bring you Wrong, John Carter, The Sitter, The Grey, War Horse, Shame (TRAILER OF THE WEEK) and Wish You Were Here. Continue reading

The Great Trailer Debate – Week 3

Nadine (check out her blog here) and I are spoiling you this week with rather a big selection to look at! There’s (deep breath) The Hunger Games (TRAILER OF THE WEEK!!!), Brave, Mirror Mirror, The Iron Lady, Gone, Carnage, Being Flynn, Titanic 3D, Shame, The Sitter, Happy Feet Two, The Deep Blue Sea and Pirates! A Band Of Misfits/In An Adventure With Scientists, depending on which country you’re from! So take a look and tweet or comment your opinions! Continue reading