Tag Archives: tom buchanan

Baz Sure Does Love His Shiny Anachronisms

The trailer for Baz Luhrmann’s Gatsby has finally arrived and it is every bit as debauched and impressive as you’d expect. But that doesn’t mean we’re exposed to a great deal of substance underneath the glitz and glamour.

Coming December 2012 in 3D which is bound to be so colourful it’ll make your eyes bleed, The Great Gatsby is another adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel of the pursuit of The American Dream. With DiCaprio the only actor I can see embodying the titular Gatsby, the December release date looks like a clever bid by Warner for some Awards recognition.

While it is yet to be seen whether Carey Mulligan will play Daisy quite as mad as Mia Farrow in Robert Redford’s 1974 version, it’s a welcome change to see Tobey Maguire head back to something a little more serious after his Spidey excursions.

With a busy Christmas release slate for DiCaprio in the form of Django Unchained and The Great Gatsby, it’s up to you to decide whether Luhrmann or Tarantino have injected more ‘cool’ into their respective projects. Jay-Z, Kanye and Jack White may pale in anachronistic comparison to the first Tarantino trailer.