Tag Archives: the watch

Four Things That Won’t Suffer From The Watch


Rosemarie DeWitt and Billy Crudup.

Ben Stiller’s pocket.

What I’m Watching – September 2012

This list only includes films I watched for the first time this month. My most recent viewing is the top entry:

Looper (Dir: Rian Johnson, 2012) *****

Killing Them Softly (Dir: Andrew Dominik, 2012) ***

ParaNorman (Dir: Chris Butler, Sam Fell, 2012) ****

Savages (Dir: Oliver Stone, 2012) ***

Anna Karenina (Dir: Joe Wright, 2012) ****

Dredd 3D (Dir: Pete Travis, 2012) ***

The Watch (Dir: Akiva Schaffer, 2012) **

Carrie (Dir: Brian De Palma, 1976) *****